ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (2025)

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Age 8yo dm
D.O.B. 05.04.2016 Rate(Turf) 52

Real Owner KEMAL KURT (%100)
Breeder K.KURT



Owner Earnings


International Earnings




Breeding Earnings


Sponsorship Earnings


Summary Statistics

... R. 1ˢᵗ 2ⁿᵈ 3ʳᵈ 4ᵗʰ 5ᵗʰ Earnings
TOTAL 19 1 1 4 2 3 265,584 t
Turf 11 0 0 4 2 3 216,584 t
Dirt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
Polytrack 8 1 1 0 0 0 49,000 t
2024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
2023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
2022 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
2021 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 t
2020 7 0 0 2 1 1 34,644 t

Date RC Dst Track St Finish Time Weight Eq. Jockey N Win Group Race Name Race T. Trainer Owner RT Earnings L20
09.02.2022 İstanbul 1400 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 18 1.28.94 58 GÖKH.GÖKÇE 1 30,7 4 yo+ Thro 8 Handicap 15 A.KÜÇÜKAKSOY KEMAL KURT 52 13 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (2)
19.01.2022 İstanbul 1500 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 12 1.34.90 61 GÖKH.GÖKÇE 4 40 4 yo+ Thro 3 Handicap 16 A.KÜÇÜKAKSOY KEMAL KURT 55 14 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (4)
19.05.2021 İstanbul 1900 TurfSoft
8 1.58.38 56 BERK.GÖKÇE 8 8,35 4 yo+ Thro 2 Condition 3 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 60 15 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (6)
16.12.2020 İstanbul 1500 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 6 1.33.63 54 D.KAYA 2 9,1 3 yo+ Thro 3 Condition 4 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 65 12 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (8)
15.11.2020 İstanbul 1900 TurfVery Soft
5 2.03.06 56 A.ÇELİK 2 3,35 3 yo+ Thro 6 - AKGÜN MİDİLLİLİ Condition-7 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 70 5.275 13 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (10)
12.10.2020 Bursa 2000 TurfSoft
4 2.08.93 56 A.KURŞUN 3 3,8 3 yo+ Thro 8 Condition 2 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 70 2.850 13 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (12)
01.09.2020 Ankara 1900 TurfGood Going
3 1.59.85 56 MÜS.ÇELİK 1 2,3 3 yo+ Thro 3 Condition 4 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 70 11.000 13 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (14)
12.08.2020 İstanbul 1500 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 7 1.36.83 54 MÜS.ÇELİK 4 7,3 4 yo+ Thro 8 Condition 4 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 72 14 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (16)
26.07.2020 İstanbul 1400 TurfGood Going
3 1.24.14 54 MÜS.ÇELİK 8 7,5 4 yo+ Thro 2 Condition 4 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 75 11.000 14 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (18)
05.02.2020 İstanbul 1300 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 6 1.19.60 54 MÜS.ÇELİK 1 20,25 4 yo+ Thro 6 Condition 5 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 75 15 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (20)
09.08.2019 İstanbul 1500 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 6 1.35.39 58 G.KOCAKAYA 5 2,45 3 yo Thro 4 - MUSTAFA ALVER Condition-6 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 75 16 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (22)
21.07.2019 İstanbul 2100 TurfGood Going
6 2.10.79 58 A.ÇELİK 1 8,1 3 yo Thro 6 - ÖZDEMİR ATMAN G 3 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 75 17 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (24)
30.06.2019 İstanbul 1900 TurfGood Going
3 1.55.46 58 A.ÇELİK 7 5,85 3 yo Thro 6 - NENE HATUN G 2 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 75 47.600 18 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (26)
09.06.2019 İstanbul 2100 TurfGood Going
4 2.11.35 58 A.ÇELİK 4 7,8 3 yo Thro 6 - KISRAK G 1 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 69 76.000 19 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (28)
25.05.2019 Ankara 1600 TurfHeavy
3 1.38.94 58 H.ÇİZİK 7 25,75 3 yo Thro 4 - AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ BAŞKANLIĞI A 2 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 46 41.800 20 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (30)
22.12.2018 İstanbul 1300 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 1 1.19.67 57 H.ÇİZİK 5 1,6 2 yo Thro 3 Maiden A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 49 35.000 17 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (32)
28.11.2018 İstanbul 1300 Dirt (Polytrack)Good Going 2 1.20.20 55 A.ÇELİK 6 4,35 2 yo Thro 2 Maiden A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 42 14.000 18 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (34)
21.10.2018 İstanbul 1200 TurfGood Going
5 1.12.89 57 MÜS.ÇELİK 9 3,65 2 yo Thro 9 Maiden A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 19 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (36)
03.10.2018 İstanbul 1200 TurfVery Soft
5 1.17.21 57 H.KARATAŞ 5 1,8 2 yo Thro 7 - MARY ELLEN Condition 1 A.ŞIVGIN KEMAL KURT 20 ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (38)

19 records out of 19 are shown

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' + d + '.Koşu Derecesi :

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' + n + '.Koşu Derecesi :

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ALPHA KURT<font color=red> (T)</font> (2025)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.