Derivative Classification Flashcards - Answers (2025)

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Original Classification

Initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security

Derivative Classification

developing new materials from existing classified informationmarking the newly developed materials consistent with the classification markings that apply to the source informationprocess of extracting, paraphrasing, restating, or generating in a new form, information that is already classifiedorThe process of using existing classified information to create new documents or material and marking...

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Original Classification Authority

All cleared DoD and authorized contractor personnel who generate or create material from classified sources

Derivative classification has far-reaching effects:

helps protect our national securityallows access only to cleared personnelimpacts resources and security procedures

Only authorized sources for derivative classification are:

DD Form 254Security Classification GuideProperly marked source document

Two primary sources of policy guidance for derivative classification:

DoD Manual 5200.01 Vol 1-4, DoD Info. Sec. Prgm5050 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)

Photocopying a Secret document and marking the photocopy Secret is derivative classification


Only government officials may perform derivative classification


Consulting your FSO or security manager is always the first step in the derivative classification process.


Derivative classifiers are responsible for analyzing and evaluating information to identify elements that require classification



taking information directly from an authorized source of classification guidance and stating it verbatim in a new or different document


Taking information from an authorized source of classification guidance and re-wording it in a new or different document

Contained in

derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document

Revealed by

derivative classifiers incorporate classified information into a new document that is not clearly stated as an authorized source


Pieces of information that are unclassified on their own, but together, they are classified

Three criteria information must be met in order to be classified:

owned by, produced by or for, or be under the control of the U.S. Governmentunauthorized disclosure of the information must be reasonably expected to cause damage, serious damage, or exceptionally grave damage to national securitythe information must concern at least one of the eight categories specified in section 1.4 of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.

The only lawful reason to classify information is to protect national security


Information is prohibited from being classified to conceal violations of law, inefficiency or administrative error, to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency, to restrain competition, or to prevent or delay the release of information t


To promote information sharing, follow these guidelines:

Avoid unnecessary classification or over-classification of informationUse dissemination marking carefully

Administrative Sanctions

suspension without pay, revocation of your security clearance, termination of employment, and loss of DoD contracts.

Criminal Sanctions

incarceration, fines, and loss of Federal retirement benefits.

UCMJ Sanctions

loss of rank, loss of pay, dishonorable discharge and incarceration.

A classified document is used as source material for a new document. What is this an example of

Derivative Classification

Derivative classification does not have the same impact and effects as original classification.


All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers EXCEPT:

Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority.

Derivative classifiers must:

Have access to classification guidanceAnalyze and evaluate information to identify elements that require classification

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT:

Determining whether information has been classified previously. X

The first step in derivatively classifying a new document is to determine the classification level based on existing classification guidance


If you find a conflict in guidance, or you are uncertain about how to classify the new content, you should first

Ask your security manager or Facility Security Officer

Security Classification Guides (SCG) are the primary sources for derivative classification


Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______


All of the following are key concepts you can use to determine the classification level of the material you create EXCEPT:

Directed by

When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information from existing content into a new document, and no additional interpretation or analysis is needed to deduce the classification of that information is an example of the concept of _______

Contained in

The derivative classification concept of "Contained in" applies to all of the following EXCEPT:

When the information must be deduced as classified by some level of analysis

The source document states:(S) The exercise will begin on 4 May and end on 25 May(U) Elements of this unit will participate in the exercise(U) Unit members participating will be Barkley and JamesThe Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:The unit that

Revealed by

The concept that involves combining or associating individual elements of unclassified information to reveal an additional association or relationship that warrants protection is called ________

Classification by Compilation

A properly marked source document contains some Secret information. A new document does not contain the same information. However, the information in the new document will allow a reader to deduce the classified information. This is an example of the conc

Revealed by

Information should remain permanently classified once it is classified, even if it no longer meets the criteria for classification


Which of the following is a valid reason to classify information

To protect national security

All of the following are ways to promote the sharing of information within the Federal government, across state, local, and tribal governments, and with coalition partners, law enforcement, and the general public EXCEPT:

Automatically declassify information that is shared

You may be subject to administrative, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or criminal sanctions if you engage in any of the following EXCEPT:

Submitting a formal challenge to information that may be improperly classified

Sarabeth and Miguel work at similar jobs for the same agency but on different classified projects. They find it helpful to discuss the challenges of their jobs with each other. Occasionally, to provide context for a challenge she's facing, Sarabeth will s


Which of the following are Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) sanctions

All of the above

If you suspect information has been improperly or unnecessarily classified, what should you do first

Discuss your concerns with your security manager or supervisor.

The source document states: (S) The exercise will begin on 4 May and end on 25 May (U) Elements of this unit will participate in the exercise (U) Unit members participating will be Barkley and James The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states: The unit


The properly marked source document states:(C) The training exercise will last three days.(S) The training exercise will begin 21 April.The Security Classification Guide (SCG) states:The length of the training exercise is Confidential.The dates of the tra


The properly marked source document states:(C) Operation Panda will take place on 29 September.The new document states:(C) On 29 September, Operation Panda will commence.What concept is used to derivatively classify the statement in the new document

Contained in

The properly marked source document states:(S) There will be 80,000 troops deployed to Ilkeborg.The new document states:(S) Forty-thousand troops will approach Ilkeborg from the west, and another 40,000 will approach from the east.What concept is used to

Contained in X

Information taken from an existing classified source and generated into another form or medium, such as a video, DVD, or CD is an example of _______


Derivative Classification Flashcards - Answers (2025)
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