World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (2024)

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (1)

October 24, 2022 by Olga Put Spanish Vocabulary 0 comments

Are you traveling to a Spanish-speaking country and want to buy some fashionable items? But how to say all the names of clothes in Spanish?

Don’t worry. You’ve got to the right place to learn all about la ropa (clothes).

In this article, you’ll find all the necessary clothing vocabulary to talk about fashion in Spanish and go on a shopping spree. I’ll also throw in some useful words to get your clothes washed and ironed, and some extra terms useful for storage.

Roll up your sleeves as we’re ready to start!

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Let’s Go Shopping for Clothes in Spanish!

If you see in the dictionary articles of clothing in Spanish with pictures, it all looks easy. However, everything looks different the moment you go shopping in a Spanish-speaking country.

Just in case you need a clerk’s assistance to help you find what you need and communicate your wishes, here are Spanish clothing names divided into categories, as well as some essential verbs, and adjectives.

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (2)
World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (3)

Clothing Items in Spanish for Every Occasion

Never get surprised! Whatever item you need to purchase, you have everything here:

Summer Clothes – La Ropa de Verano

This is a useful la ropa vocabulary list if you’re planning a summer vacation in Mexico or in the South of Spain.

bermuda shortslas bermudas
bikiniel bikini
cargo shortslos pantalones cortos de carga
cover-upsla túnica, un pareo
dressel vestido
halter topla camiseta sin mangas
hawaiian shirtla camisa hawaiana
one-piece swimsuitel traje de baño (de una pieza)
polo shirtla camiseta polo
shirtla camisa
shortslos pantalones cortos
skirtla falda
swim trunks / board shortsel bañador
t-shirt (tee)la camiseta
tank topla camiseta sin mangas / el top

Here are some sample sentences to see these words in context.

Me gustaría comprarme unos pantalones cortos y una camiseta. Aquí hace más calor de lo que esperaba.
I would like to buy shorts and a t-shirt. It’s warmer here than I expected.

¡Me encanta tu traje de baño!
I love your swimsuit!

No me gusta llevar vestidos en la playa, prefiero una túnica.
I don’t like to wear dresses on the beach, I prefer a tunic.

You can also listen to this famous song by Juanes—La Camisa Negra.

Winter Clothes – La Ropa de Invierno

For skiing in the Pyrenees or Andes, you’ll need a completely different set of clothing, more appropriate for cold temperatures.

anorakel anorak
cardiganel cardigán
coatel abrigo
down jacketel chaleco de plumas
pantslos pantalones
raincoatla gabardina (Esp), el impermeable (Lat. Am.)
ski suitel traje de esquí
snow coatel abrigo de nieve
sweaterel jersey
sweaterel suéter
sweatshirtla sudadera
thermal clothingla ropa térmica

Con tanto frío tienes que ponerte un suéter debajo del abrigo.
With so much cold you have to wear a sweater under your coat.

¡No pensé que iba a necesitar ropa térmica en Chile!
I didn’t think I would need thermal clothing in Chile!

Se me olvidó mi impermeable.
I forgot my raincoat.

Now, the only thing that is left is to check the Ultimate Guide to Skiing in South America.

Accessories – Los Complementos / Accesorios

The real fashion in Spanish starts when you add some fancy accessories to your clothes.

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (4)
backpackla mochila
bagla bolsa
beltel cinturón
briefcaseel maletín
capel gorro
earmuffslas orejeras
glasseslas gafas
gloveslos guantes
hatel sombrero
mittenslas manoplas/los mitones
scarfla bufanda (for winter), el pañuelo (for summer)
shawlel chal
sunglasseslos lentes de sol, las gafas de sol
umbrellael paraguas
wallet, pursela cartera
watchel reloj
woolen hatel gorro de lana

Me quiero comprar una cartera que combine con mis lentes de sol.
I want to buy a purse to match my sunglasses.

Por la noche refresca; llévate un chal.
It gets cooler at night; take a shawl.

Me veo muy guapa con estas orejeras.
I look very pretty in these earmuffs.

Jewelry – Joyas

And the final touch to make you look spectacular is of course done with jewelry.

Did you know that the Tous Company is Spanish? Check their online page and choose what you want to buy during your trip to Spain!

bangleel brazalete
braceletla pulsera
broochla brocha
chainla cadena
chokerla gargantilla
cufflinkslos gemelos (esp), las mancuernillas (am. lat.)
earringslos aretes/los pendientes
engagement ringel anillo de compromiso
gemla gema
hairpinla horquilla
locketel medallon
necklaceel collar
ringel anillo
tie clipla pinza de corbara
wedding ringal anillo de boda, la alianza

¡Perdí mi alianza!
I lost my wedding ring!

Este medallón, me lo regaló mi abuela.
This locket, my grandmother gave it to me.

Las gargantillas se pusieron de moda últimamente.
Chokers have become fashionable lately.

If you feel like learning more about jewelry in Spanish, check out this vocabulary guide.

Sports Clothes – La Ropa Deportiva

If you’re an athletic type and into sports, you’ll enjoy this section on clothes in Spanish you can wear in a gym.

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (5)
sweatshirtla sudadera
tracksuitel chándal
legginslos leggins/la licra
wristbandslas muñequeras
sports brael brasier deportivos
sweatpantslos pantalones deportivos/el pants
headbandbanda de cabeza

Para jugar al tenis no necesitas muñequeras.
To play tennis you don’t need wristbands.

No me gusta correr con los pants, prefiero los leggins.
I don’t like running with pants, I prefer leggings.

Formal Occasion – Las Ocasiones Formales

If you’re planning to attend a formal event, it’s better to know the correct articles of clothing in Spanish for this occasion.

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (6)
ball gownel vestido de baile
business -style dressel vestido formal/de oficina
co*cktail dressel vestido de cóctel
evening gownel vestido de noche
jacketla chaqueta
pencil skirtla falda de tubo
smokingel esmoquin
suitel traje
tails, fracel frac
three-piece suitel traje de tres piezas
uniformel uniforme
vestel chaleco formal

Para la conferencia me pondré la falda de tubo y la chaqueta y para la noche el vestido de cóctel.
For the conference, I will wear a tube skirt and jacket and for the evening the co*cktail dress.

Me gustan los hombres que van de traje.
I like men who wear suits.

Baby Clothes – La Ropa de Bebé

If you want to buy a couple of baby clothes, here’s some vocabulary you might find useful.

baby’s apronel delantal del bebe
beanieel gorro
bibel babero
mittens/gloveslos mitones/los guantes
onesieel body
pajamasla pijama
tightslos leotardos

Mi bebé se ensució el body con la papilla.
My baby soiled his onesie with the baby food.

Cada día tengo que mandar 3 baberos a la guardería.
Every day I have to send 3 bibs to the nursery.

If you’re interested in other baby topics in Spanish, check out We’re Having a Baby! A Vocabulary Guide in Spanish.

Underwear – La Ropa Interior

Shopping for underwear can be a necessity or a pleasure. Or both. Whatever your reasons are, here are some useful words:

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (7)
brael brasier (Am. Lat.)/el sostén (Esp.)
boxerslos calzones
briefslos calzoncillos
nighttieel camisón
no-show sockslos calcetines invisibles
pantiehoselos pantys
pantiesel calzón
robela bata
sockslos calcetines
stockingslas medias
thingla tanga
underpantslos boxers
underwearla ropa interior

¡Ya no me quedan estos calzoncillos!
I’ve outgrown these briefs!

Mi hermano solo quiere usar boxers.
My brother only wants to wear boxers.

En la escuela no puedo llevar calcetines invisibles, solo largos.
At school, I can’t wear invisible socks, only long ones.

Shoes – Los Zapatos

How many shoes do you have? If you want to buy some more during your trip to a Spanish-speaking country, here are some helpful words:

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (8)
ankle-bootslos botines
ballet flatslas bailarinas
bootslas botas
clogslos zuecos
flat shoeslos flats
flip flopslos flip flops/las chanclas/las hawaianas
formal shoeslos zapatos de vestir
high heelslos tacones
loaferslos mocasines
platform shoeslos zapatos de plataforma
rain bootslas botas de agua
running shoeslos tenis para correr
sandalslas sandalias
slipperslas pantuflas
tennis shoeslos tenis

En México solo usaba los flip flops y sandalias.
In Mexico, I only wore flip-flops and sandals.

No me gusta llevar tacones ni cuando voy de fiesta.
I don’t like to wear heels even when I go to a party.

Los zapatos de plataforma están de moda otra vez.
Platform shoes are in fashion again.

Adjectives and Other Words to Use with Spanish Clothes Words

What if you want a specific type of cloth in mind but you don’t know how to describe it? Let me help you.

Sizes – Las tallas

xsExtra chico, -a/extra pequeño, -a
sChico, -a/pequeño, -a
mMediano, -a
xlExtra grande
xxlExtra extra grande

Textures – Las texturas

bulkyvoluminoso, -a
coarserugoso, -a
crispcrispado, -a
dullopaco, -a
finefino, -a
heavypesado, -a
lightligero, -a
opaqueopaco, -a
rougháspero, -a
stiffrígido, -a
thindelgado, -a,

Fabrics – Las telas

leatheretteimitación de cuero
syntheticsintético, -a

Quiero una falda de terciopelo suave, talla chica.
I want a soft velvet skirt, small size.

Me encantan las cosas brillantes.
I love shiny things.

Este abrigo está demasiado rígido.
This coat is too stiff.

Solo compro playeras de algodón orgánico.
I only buy organic cotton shirts.

Other Words to Talk About Clothes

colorfulcolorido, -a
longlargo, -a
loosesuelto, -a
medium-lengthmedio-largo, -a
Pattern, printestampado, -a
plainliso, -a
shortcorto, -a
tightajustado, -a

A mi mamá le encantan los pantalones ajustados.
My mom loves tight pants.

Esta falda es demasiado corta.
This skirt is too short.

¡Qué bonito estampado!
What a pretty print!

What Can You Do with Your Clothes?

Including: to wear, to change clothes, to wash clothes, and to put on clothes – people are searching for ways to talk about their experience with their clothes.

How to Say to Wear in Spanish?

to weartener puesto
to be wearingestar vistiendo
to be wearingestar llevando
to be wearingestar usando
to be wearingestar luciendo

Example Sentences:

¿Qué tenía puesto el ladrón?
What was the thief wearing?

La modelo está vistiendo la falda de Gucci de la última temporada.
The model is wearing last season’s Gucci skirt.

Estos pantalones ya no se llevan.
These pants are no longer in style.

Estoy usando una camiseta corta combinada con jeans.
I’m wearing a short t-shirt combined with jeans.

La actriz está luciendo una chaqueta de diamantes.
The actress is wearing a diamond jacket.

Verbs to Use for Clothing

to button upabotonar, abrochar
to buycomprar
to changecambiar(se)
to dressvestirse
to look forbuscar
to returndevolver
to suitquedar
to take offquitarse
to try onprobarse
to undressdesvestirse
to useusar

Abróchate, hace mucho viento.
Button up, it’s very windy.

Tengo que cambiar esta playera por una talla más grande.
I have to change this shirt for a bigger size.

Tengo que cambiarme para la clase de natación.
I have to change for swimming class.

Te queda super bien este color.
This color suits you.

No te quites los guantes, te vas a congelar.
Don’t take off your gloves, you’ll freeze.

Let’s Do Laundry in Spanish!

If you plan on staying a bit longer on your vacation in Mexico, you might need to wash your clothes yourself or get them washed.

You might need the following laundry vocabulary in Spanish.

Laundry Action Verbs in Spanish

to drysecar
to dry cleanlimpiar en seco
to folddoblar
to ironplanchar
to put awayguardar
to washlavar
to wriggle out of clothesescurrir la ropa

You have to dry clean this coat.
Tienes que limpiar en seco este abrigo.

Me gusta cuando me doblan la ropa en la lavandería.
I like it when they fold my clothes in the laundry.

Esta chaqueta no se puede secar a máquina.
This jacket cannot be machine dried.

Laundry Places and Machines in Spanish

coin laundryla lavandería de monedas
dryerla secadora
ironla plancha
laundry roomla lavandería
sinkel lavadero
washing machinela lavadora

Nunca dejes la plancha prendida encima del burro.
Never leave the iron on the ironing board.

Mi secadora es nueva pero mi lavadora ya tiene unos años.
My dryer is new but my washing machine is a few years old.

Common Laundry Products in Spanish

laundry detergentel detergente para ropa
dryer sheetslas hojas para secadora
hangerslas perchas (Esp.), los ganchos (Am. Lat.)
clothes rackel tendedero (Esp.), el colgador (AM. Lat.)
clotheslineel tendedero
ironing boardla tabla de planchar (Esp.) /el burro (Am. Lat.)
bleachla lejía
softenerel suavizante
stain removerel quitamanchas

Tuve que comprar el suavizante y el quitamanchas.
I had to buy fabric softener and stain remover.

Mi colgador se rompió cuando le puse la colcha encima.
My clothes rack broke when I put the quilt on top of it.

Me gusta tener puros ganchos de madera en mi armario.
I like to have only wood hooks in my closet.

Clothing Storage Areas in Spanish

chest of drawersla cómoda/ la cajonera
closetel armario
drawerslos cajones
dresserel vestidor
laundry basketla cesta de la ropa sucia
shelveslos estantes
walk-in-closetel vestidor, el walk-in.closet

Mis vestidos están en el armario y los calcetines en la cajonera.
My dresses are in the closet and socks are in the dresser.

Me encantaría tener un walk-in-closet.
I would love to have a walk-in closet.

Mi cesta de la ropa sucia está siempre llena.
My laundry basket is always full.

Speak Spanish Faster With Live, 1-on-1 Classes

Now, I’m sure you have enough vocabulary for any clothing shopping emergency! You can create a pdf with the words and sentences from this article and study in your free time. You can also sign up for a free Spanish class and talk about clothes and fashion in Spanish with a native Spanish-speaking teacher. Who knows, maybe you can see how much you love learning Spanish and find your new passion!

Clothes in Spanish: Time to Practice!

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (9)

Practice makes perfect, so it’s the best way to solidify your newly acquired knowledge! Here’s a pop quiz for you.

1. These clothes are used to for sports or exercise:

Correct! Wrong!

2. These are used to protect our feet:

Correct! Wrong!

3. This is used to dry clothes in the sun:

Correct! Wrong!

4. These clothes can be used everyday.

Correct! Wrong!

5. This is part of the laundry process.

Correct! Wrong!

6. This word means “to wash clothes.”

Correct! Wrong!

7. This word means “to purchase.”

Correct! Wrong!

8. These clothes are worn under our other clothes:

Correct! Wrong!

9. You use these clothes for important occasions:

Correct! Wrong!

10. You store your clothes here

Correct! Wrong!

Clothes in Spanish Quiz

Wow, you've mastered clothes in Spanish! Good job!

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (10)

You've got a solid understanding of clothes in Spanish and the quality of your Spanish conversations are exploding through the roof!

You've almost mastered clothes in Spanish. Your consistent practice is leading to better results!

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (11)

As you keep up your hard work and practice, you're starting to understand better how to talk about clothes in Spanish. For more study materials, keep up-to-date with our newest published blog posts at Homeschool Spanish Academy. *YOU'RE ALMOST THERE! You can do it!* Do you prefer learning with videos? Check out our YouTube channel Spanish Academy TV for the best Spanish learning content on the web!

Practice makes perfect! Keep on studying!

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (12)

Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! If you're ready to take your Spanish to the next level and master clothes in Spanish, then join us for a free Spanish class with one of our friendly, certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. Sign up today!

Let Us Help You Learn Spanish!

Learning Spanish is one of the best decisions you can make! According to the Economist, by being fluent in another language, you can earn more money, improve your cognition and decision making abilities, and even get a better job!

Learning a new language is more than just knowing the translation of a few words or phrases. Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy, we have more than 10 years of experience in teaching Spanish. With the support of our amazing, native Spanish-speaking teachers, we craft personalized Spanish packages perfect for your needs. Sign up today for a free class, and let us guide you on this amazing journey.

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary
  • 100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners
  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Author
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Olga Put

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

I'm a Spanish philologist, teacher, and freelance writer with a Master's degree in Humanities from Madrid. I speak Polish, Spanish, and English fluently, and want to get better in Portuguese and German. A lover of literature, and Mexican spicy cuisine, I've lived in Poland, Spain, and Mexico and I'm currently living and teaching in Madeira, Portugal.

Latest posts by Olga Put (see all)

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  • 10 Homeschooling Styles You Need to Explore in 2023 - March 14, 2024
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spanish clothes vocabulary spanish fashion vocabulary

World's Best Guide to Clothes & Fashion Vocabulary in Spanish with Example Sentences (2024)
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